Communion After Dark - May 4, 2020 Edition
This week Communion After Dark spins new music Apoptygma Berzerk, Street Fever, She Hates Emotions, Drab Majesty, Hante., Ginger Snap5, Delphine Coma and more. This week features Guest DJ Moose!
Cover: Jazz Marie-Antoinette | IG: porcelainlolita
CAD PLAYLIST (DATE): May 4, 2020 Edition
1 Apoptygma Berzerk - Unicorn (T. Schmidt und a. Deal Tanzmischung) - Disarm (B-Sides & Rarities) - Pitch Black Drive
2 Unitcode Machine - Paper Empires (Technology Remix) - Paper Empires Single - SkyQode
3 She Hates Emotions - Edge of Night - Edge of Night Single - Out Of Line Records
4 Jihad - Retrospekt - Retrospekt - Bandcamp
5 Endanger - Das Ist Alles (Polished Version) - Polished - Infacted Recordings
6 Street Fever - Fortune (Featuring Athena) - Goldblood EP - Bandcamp
Shot of the Week - Peanut Butter Poop Shoot - Screwball Peanut Butter Whisky and Chocolate Liquor
7 Basszilla - RetroGods - RetroGods single - DarkTunes Music Group
8 Acylum - Lords of Darkness (DavaNtage Remix) - Filthy Memories, Pt. 2 - Alfa Matrix
9 Hante. - RESPECT (Milliken Chamber Remix) - FIERCE - Remixes & More - SynthReligion
10 Houses of Heaven - Sleep - Silent Places - Bandcamp
11 Statiqbloom - Possession (Kontravoid Remix) - Asphyxia (Remixed) - Metropolis Records
12 Kris Baha - Steel Sands - Palais
13 Drab Majesty - No Rain - Dais Records
Communion After Dark
14 Morte Psíquica - Labirinto - Suite No. Zero - Zodiaque Musique
15 Oto - Anyway - Cold Waves and Minimal Electronics, Vol. 1 - Angular Recording Corporation
16 Cosaquitos en Globo - Zero Gravity - Fast Cars Single - Self released
17 Interface - Outside Looking In - Where All Roads Lead - Disto rtion Productions LLC
18 Glenn Love - Under 1 (nTTx Remix) - Under 1 - Sonic-X Records
19 Plastikstrom - Alles Für Uns - Beton Gegen Angst - Young & Cold Records
DJ NAME: Paradise
20 Wolfchild - Snow in April - Snow in April (single) - not yet released
21 Invisible Devastation - I Am Bastard 2.0 - I Am Bastard - SkyQode
22 Ginger Snap5 - Wild Running - Wild Running (single) - Bandcamp
23 Millimetric & HIV+ - Coco Pino (D.A.F. cover) - Spanish Electronic Body Music - Unknown Pleasures Records
24 IAMTHESHADOW - Awake and Asleep (Feat. Diego Merletto from the Frozen Autumn) - Pitchblack - Cold Transmission
25 Delphine Coma - Secondary Eyes - Secondary Eyes - Swiss Dark Knights
Communion After Dark
Last Song
Vore Aurora - In Out and Thru (Mr.Kitty Remix) - Eidolon - Bandcamp