DJ Picks of the Month August
Looking to map out your next music purchase? Check out the Communion After Dark DJ's favorite albums of the month!
Having difficultly locating where to buy this music? Since most stores in the U.S. don’t stock music from the genres we play it can be a real pain, but you can go our route: mail order. We use the online store Isolation Tank. Many labels, such as Metropolis Records, also offer CDs, and most artists have posted their libraries on their own sites, such as Bandcamp, or at the major digital outlets, such as iTunes, Amazon, etc.
Paradise Pick for August
The New Division - Gemini
The third full length album can be branded as an ode to his signature sound, which has placed The New Division at the forefront of modern new wave music today. These thirteen songs feature an ecclectic mix of sonorous guitar hooks complemented by synth leads eerily narrating times past-- all the while remaining boldly in the present.
Maus Pick for August
Mr.Kitty - Fragments
Negative Gain Productions (NGP) is excited to announce the world wide release of the Mr.Kitty full length album “FRAGMENTS”. The release includes 10 brand new tracks. This album will release in digital and physical formats via BandCamp as well as physical copies at their local music stores. This release also has a limited vinyl pressing.
Griffin Pick for August
Mr.Kitty - Fragments
Mr.Kitty is a fragile hologram projected by illuminated crystals. With brittle synths, pulsating rhythms, and soaring vocals, he will be the light to guide you through the darkness.